Thursday 1 December 2011

How To Be Happy Without Money

The secret to happiness is not getting what you want but still wanting it after you have got it!

In this current " I want it now" Society where everything we do is centred around greed and money, its hard to imagine how anyone could be happy without it but the truth is we only know what we know, until we know something else. I can tell you from my own personal experience going from a rich lavish lifestyle in Hollywood back to living on the dole in Leicester, the secret to being truly happy is all about exploring beyond what you think you already know.

I had pretty much everything that money could buy from the designer Chanel handbags to the luxury exotic holidays, always flying first class and always complaining like a spoilt brat. The more you have, the more you need and the more you need leads to greed. When I was rich because I was paying full price for everything, I expected to be treated like a VIP and would often find myself screaming and shouting at people when things did not go my way. A prime example of this kind of ugly behaviour would often manifest itself whenever I travelled by air. When flying to London from LA which is not cheap and a very busy route, I would find myself getting stressed and really angry because often the person sitting next to me had paid for an economy seat but was upgraded through reward points or because the flight was over booked. In hindsight now, I was the mug for paying full whack and should have been impressed and inspired by their savvy knowledge.

You cannot buy a life at Harrods, only stuff to put into a life, so getting another sofa because your next door neighbour has upgraded and you have to keep up with them otherwise you are a nobody, is the treadmill to misery and unnecessary debt. What you own does not make you who you are and happiness is not about material wealth, no matter how many celebrity glossy magazines try and sell it to you. We have recklessly built this out of control aspirational boom on debt, money we just don't have to spend believing if we get what we want, we will be happy. If we suddenly took away every-ones credit cards, borrowing facilities and stuff we buy now and pay for later, the western world but not be dissimilar to a third World Country like Sudan.

To live a budget lifestyle takes a lot of adjusting and often only really happens when you are forced to give up everything you believe is making you happy. For me it was the best thing that could ever happen because I have now found total happiness with very little material stuff shackled round my neck. I no longer scream and shout when things don't go my way because I am grateful for everything I receive. I no longer expect people to be nice to me just because I have money, I know the people who are nice to me mean it for real. I don't stress or strive for material wealth or own expensive toys because having a flash car costs me money, not makes me money. I no longer waste anything or buy things I don,t really need just to look like somebody important, I am somebody and I value myself more than the stuff I own.

If you are aspiring to live a luxury lifestyle and have champagne tastes on a beer budget, you have to learn how to work attainable aspiration, getting the desired result without it costing you the earth. My top budget lifestyle tip when it comes to travel is simple. Right now in this current climate many 5 star luxury hotels in places like Marbella, playground for the rich and famous, are heading for bankruptcy and selling off peak package holidays at rock bottom affordable for anyone prices. Beware and recognise though, you might be lounging around the luxury poolside with the likes of your favorite celebrities pretending to be someone famous but you will not be able to afford to eat or drink anything. I found not being able to afford eating and drinking in the hotel actually an advantage because I would end up losing a little weight which is never a bad thing in a hot bikini!

You will never be happy rich until you have been happy poor, trust me I know.

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