Thursday 26 July 2012

The Sport Of Seduction

The Sport Of Seduction- Every Man's Guide To Getting Laid

After witnessing the over whelming interest from women across the globe, who have been turned on by Christian Grey, the leading man in the novel 50 Shades of Grey, a Leicester life coach thinks its time real men got some help with their seduction techniques. She has written a funny seducer’s guide, The Sport of Seduction; Every Man’s Guide To Getting Laid, in hope she can help inspire them to change.
25th July, 2012, Leicester, UK- Shirley Yanez has not had sex herself for 10 years, not because she is religious, a man hater or unable to attract one willing and able, it is a personal choice and mainly, in recent years, simply because she hasn’t met a man she considers worth giving up her celibacy for.
“It is clear from the vast amount of women getting turned on by a smutty book, they feel neglected and starved of sex from the real men in their lives” says Yanez.
Shirley believes the fun has gone from sex and marriage. To her it seems all men love sport more than sex these days, so by combining, sex, sport and humour, she hopes this book will encourage the opposite sex to think more about what women really desire from their men, and guide them to seduction success every time.
When romance is as dead as the new romantics and sex is only in the minds of women, not on their minds and certainly not happening in their bedrooms, The Sport of Seduction is a laugh out loud, read for any man interested in becoming as essential to womankind as the battery in a sex maniacs vibrator.
The book is currently available for download in digital format through Kindle. It is priced at £1.53.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Celibacy Expert

Since 2000 I have been celibate and have opted out of the sexual rat race. After such a horrendous near death life changing experience I had not even thought about sex, not once, most people thought I was either a Man hater, depressed or a lesbian. The pressure people put on you for going against the grain, not being obsessed with finding a Man, always looking for love or just being happy being single, is massive but for me it works. Now in 2010 celibate 10 years and never going back is the best thing that has happened to me and has changed my life in more ways than one. I have the body at 56 I have always wanted after giving up sex, alcohol, chocolate, drugs, shopping and caffeine.

I walk five miles a day, do yoga to keep focused and the natural high is better than any drug I have taken. I am not lonely because I believe you cannot look for love, just attract it and with my busy passion for life, sex is neither the point nor the focus. When you discover looking outward for fulfilment is just a rouse, you can never be alone because you always have yourself. When you look inward you learn you have to take responsibility for yourself and be brave enough to tackle the things that don't work for you in your life, starting with bad relationships, which ironically most of the time, sex is not part of.

I am now as budget lifestyle expert and self therapy life coach and teach other Women how to look and feel fantastic on a shoestring in a free live touring interactive show The Hollywood Look For Less. Many women have lost their confidence, they don't feel sexy anymore and in the recession money is tight, so we try and inspire Women to swap clothes, get in shape and find time for themselves.

At Venus Cow we don't say it is easy to give up something you want but sometimes it might just be what you need. Losing everything including my life for a short while made me take a long hard look at myself, money had not made me happy, sex had never fulfilled my needs and when you have faced such fear, there is nothing else to fear. Now I keep my knickers on, I cannot beat Men off with a stick, they always want what they cannot have in my experience and until they get it, they never stop trying, so maybe if more Women followed suit, celibacy could be seen as very desirable.
My whole life now is all about giving back and helping other Women recognise sex is just like any other addiction, it's a choice. The definition of insanity is to repeat the same behaviour and expect a different result, so if sex is making you feel undervalued, make your body the most valuable asset you have and say NO for once.

I am not closed off to dating or having fun but I am closed off to having sex for the sake of having sex because unless you feel happy, confident and in control of yourself, sex takes you away from your true purpose and can often leave you feeling empty and alone.

I enjoy the challenge of being celibate right now. I believe that my life will become more and more richer the more I learn to properly apply the sexual energies to other pursuits or disciplines. I think all of my relationships with those around me will become more enjoyable and when you love yourself, there is little room to love others in the same deep honest way.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Lets Face It

Most Women don't seem to care what happens to their face years on after using Botex, the frown fixer, because all they seem to care about is what happens now, the instant fix but the reality is, it is not clear what could happen after long term use when facial muscles weaken and sag.
At present Botox is being used for over 100 disorders besides aesthetic applications and is a really amazing procedure for a wide variety of disorders from swallowing problems to muscle spasms. Botox injections are the fastest growing cosmetic procedure and considered as the ultimate fountain of eternal youth.
So why is everyone obsessed in the moment on looking good without a care about the future or the long term financial implications of becoming addicted to such a fix? I guess the idea is, you are happy to go in to debt, ruin your looks long term, look at Joan Rivers, Mickey Rourke, because in the moment, you want perfection, even though the moment does not last.
As a budget Lifestyle Expert I find it really hard to imagine why anyone would want to go into debt, butcher their body or face with something that is in reality is a nurotoxic protein, a botulinum toxin which can cause botulism, a rare paralytic illness often linked to food poisoning, go figure!
I have been doing the same facial routine for 25 years which is free, works and has left me with a really tight, wrinkle free face at 56, something I am so grateful and happy with. If you are prepared to be realistic, patient and healthy, your natural beauty will radiate, especially, if you smile all day long and love your life, so here is my advice for looking and feeling 10 years younger without money.
Everyday when you wake up, rub an ice cube across your face to help wake you up and give your facial muscles a nice little work out, leaving you with a tighter, firmer looking face to die for. This, if done religiously, over a long period of time, coupled with a healthy diet plus drinking plenty of water, will show amazing visible results, making you the envy of your friends.
You are what you eat, so if you want to look amazing in the later years of your life, you have to think about taking care of what you put in your body always and Botox is a NO NO!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Secondhand Jewllery. Where's The Value?

When I had money to burn and shopping for designer luxury was my only purpose, dropping a few grand on a Tiffany watch was never a problem but when I was starving, a few years later, I discovered something that became a massive problem. " What do you mean my Tiffany watch is only worth £100 quid" I said to the greedy secondhand dealer, ready to offer me a fraction of what I paid for it new, only one year earlier.
When I found myself starving and broke in LA, I had to sell all my collected designer trinkets, in order to keep afloat and was horrified by the inequity in selling my stuff, when my back was up against the wall.

So where is the value in that?

You cannot eat a Tiffany watch when you are starving, so buying something expensive when you cannot afford it, just to look like someone, is not only stupid but also a shock when you find out what it is really worth. You never know when the tide will change and sweep you out to sea, in other words, losing your job, sudden illness or unexpected financial problems, so saving your money, even if you think your comfortable, is critical for a rainy day.

A budget lifestyle is all about living within your means, debt free with a nest egg, just in case things change and little desire to buy stuff you might want but don't need. What is the point in buying clothes that don't fit and never will or a flash fast car, you cannot afford to put on the road or a lavish ballgown when you have no ball to go to, leaving you stuck with stuff that has not changed your actual life.

I still love clothes and still love shopping, who doesn't but these days I follow the mantra, buy new and the jokes on you because I got savvy, cured my self of status anxiety and now buy secondhand or recycled clothes, given up to charity by shopaholic women.

Who cares and who in reality knows whether what you are wearing is new or secondhand because style is unique and how you wear it with confidence is the key to pulling it off, as well as saving you a tidy fortune in the process. One mans trash is another mans treasure, so no matter how broke you are, there is always a way to get the look you desire for less and if you get into swapping clothes with friends and family, you get a brand new look without spending a single penny.

Stop shopping and start swapping if you are struggling and don't just swap clothes, try DVDs, household goods like cookers, hoovers, TV's, even books and CD's, making use of stuff you don't want anymore but someone else might need.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

How Do I Stay Young

How do I stay young, is the most asked question by Women suffering with Status Anxiety, forever looking outward for the instant fix, the miracle cream, the magic lotion, powerful potion or plastic surgeon but in reality, we are what we eat, so beauty comes from within. If you spend your life obsessed with how you look, you will never be happy because the more you fret about what is wrong with you, the less time you have to nurture what is amazing about you.

When I had it all and could buy myself anything I desired in order to get noticed because in reality that's why we do it, always caring too much about what others think, I was still miserable, regardless of how many Chanel suits I owned and yes I did get attention but it was always the wrong attention. These days I still love to look younger but I prefer to feel younger and that comes from designing the perfect healthy lifestyle, you can afford and easily stick to.
You don't need to be a Millionaire to pamper yourself, you just need to understand what you need to eat in order to get amazing results on the outside and the great thing about this lifestyle plan, it comes cheap because what is from the earth, as I have said before, is the greatest of worth. What we put in our bodies as our fuel, is what we become on the outside, so if you truly desire fabulous skin, shiny hair and a slim firm figure, all you have to do is eat the right food. Just because you are living a budget lifestyle does not mean you are poor or have to eat poorly.

Fresh fruit, vegetables, pulses, nuts, avocado, fish, soya, the colorful food group, all can be purchased from the local market in abundance for cheap, so there are NO excuses. Anything you put in your body that is white, like bread, rice, potatoes will not give you the fresh faced and fabulous firm slim body you desire, so cutting them out is essential if you long to look healthy, fresh and younger.
Dry skin is never going to make you look younger because you will appear dull and lifeless, so you must always everyday use a moisturizer on your face and this does not need to be expensive or a brand, try nivea or dove, they both work just as well. Keeping your eyebrows plucked and tidy can also take years off the way you look, so have a go yourself and see how you get on.

Walking everyday is the perfect way to keep fit, young and healthy and if you can slot in a yoga session twice a week, something you can do at home and is free, you will not only look 10 years younger but you will feel it too because when we work on ourselves, we get results. Drinking lots of tap water and little, if no alcohol, is also another very good way to clear out any unwanted toxins you have, keeping your kidneys functioning properly, helping your body work in the way it should in order to be the best you can be.

Learning to truly love yourself is the key to staying young, so get rid of the past and begin to recognize you are fabulous, fun and passionate because unless you believe it, how can anyone else! I had 10 years without any money and in this time I was forced to find really cheap ways to keep on top of my personal maintenance, which in reality is quite easy when you are broke because you cannot afford to do all the bad things like smoking and drinking, so end up by default looking and feeling fantastic on a shoestring budget.

Monday 16 January 2012

A Question For Our Leader David Cameron.

Dear David,
I have been trying to catch your attention for over a year now, to tell you about my free on-line life coaching course, Venus Cow  written to inspire  anyone with addiction, weight, debt and lifestyle problems, encouraging them to take back control of their lives. This important work is part of a social enterprise and was developed by collaborating with big financial business and university students who believed in its benefits enough to offer their skills for free and services.
I put together the free Common Sense life coaching course content to help anyone,  for free, work with a personal life coach, at home, on-line, in order to gain life skills, face the brutal truth reality about the state of their health and misery. As well as motivate them to change. The Venus Cow personal journal is a perfect tool to create a private place where behaviour, mistakes and achievements can be tracked and monitored by the user.
The reason I am passionate about offering free help to the Nation is simple and my purpose now, after a life changing experience that forced me to study my own behaviour, addictions and misery, resulting in valuable insight, I am compelled to share because it works.
I have studied human behaviour and status anxiety across the UK and my conclusions are alarming and must be addressed in order to save the Country from slowly sliding into unsustainable debt, out of control obesity, alcoholism, addictions and early death.  My research reveals questionable morals and business practices of consumer driven businesses, like the media, TV and retail, all responsible for irresponsibly creating a treadmill template  directing us how we should live our lives, in order to be happy. Christmas is a perfect example of how these businesses drive unsustainable, irresponsible and subliminal mixed messages to the Nation, two months before December 25th, to shop, eat, spend, consume, go in to debt for , with no escape or balance. In December this year it was reported 60% of British families had to take out pay day loans to pay for it and more than half the Country pilled on extra pounds, on already unhealthy, sick bodies.
Once the frenzy fizzles ends and January the 1st rolls up, the whole mood and message changes and instead of spend, eat, drink, shop till you drop, we are plunged in to despair and told to diet, eat healthily, save money, give up drinking, smoking, until it’s time to book another holiday. This kind of Yo Yo behaviour is why the UK is not getting better, constantly creating a society of miserable, sick people, forever fat and in debt. The pattern behaviour has to change in order for the pattern to change. To cure the problem, you have to understand the cause. Where was the balance, the governments “change for life” message, when people needed it the most this Christmas? Why did no one remind the Nation, when one in four is severely overweight and more than half drowning in unmanageable debt, to eat healthy and live within their means? It is criminal in my opinion that big businesses, like supermarkets, television companies, retail brands who lie, don’t pay taxes and unethical print media, are getting obscenely richer by destroying and exploiting skill-less, aspiration hungry, lost sheep.
I think it’s time to take a serious look at our “ want it now” without doing the work culture and recognise if we don’t keep the messages consistent and responsible, the truth,  things can only get worse for you as our leader.
Free life coaching on a mass level is so needed right now, so please get on board and help me get Venus Cow out there for everyone to benefit from.

Thursday 5 January 2012

New Year New You?

Starting off the New Year feeling happy, relaxed, full of beans, ready to continue your life journey to Success?

If this is not how you are feeling right now, then you have to accept that maybe you have over indulged in something over rated, for a little too long, especially if you could not really afford to do it in the first instance. Status Anxiety is causing many people to over indulge through massive personal pressure, subliminally surrounding us all with a clear message to shop, buy stuff, eat more food, drink, spend and for what? One day in the year which has now turned into an expensive, undefined event no one truly understands anymore?

This might sound like Bah humbug but sadly it is true, when 60% of families had to take out a pay day loan to pay for Christmas this year.
Shopping for a life you cannot afford, even if it is Christmas and everyone else is doing it, is stupid and will not make you happy or rich in the long run because at some point you will have to pay for it, one way or another. 

Living a budget lifestyle is all about surviving within your means and sustaining a lifestyle you can afford and are happy with, always. It is really pointless and not very good for your health  and well being to over stuff your face with food and drink, then after the event make yourself miserable because you have to then go on a diet, give up drinking for a month and not have any spare money to spend on things you need. This kind of Yo Yo behaviour will play havoc with your mind, body and wallet, so next year don't put yourself under such pressure to follow the pack, stand alone and do something different.

This is a time for reflection and change in your life. I repeat, it is not money and stuff which makes us feel happy long term, only in the moment because today after the big event, you still feel miserable, depressed, broke and wish you had not bothered. My advice is simple, its too late to do anything about it now because you have already bought in and the damage is already done but you have the future and you have 12 months to make a plan and stick to it. Visit and discover simple common sense ways to prepare for your life ahead, ensuring you never feel like you do right now, ever again.