Thursday 5 January 2012

New Year New You?

Starting off the New Year feeling happy, relaxed, full of beans, ready to continue your life journey to Success?

If this is not how you are feeling right now, then you have to accept that maybe you have over indulged in something over rated, for a little too long, especially if you could not really afford to do it in the first instance. Status Anxiety is causing many people to over indulge through massive personal pressure, subliminally surrounding us all with a clear message to shop, buy stuff, eat more food, drink, spend and for what? One day in the year which has now turned into an expensive, undefined event no one truly understands anymore?

This might sound like Bah humbug but sadly it is true, when 60% of families had to take out a pay day loan to pay for Christmas this year.
Shopping for a life you cannot afford, even if it is Christmas and everyone else is doing it, is stupid and will not make you happy or rich in the long run because at some point you will have to pay for it, one way or another. 

Living a budget lifestyle is all about surviving within your means and sustaining a lifestyle you can afford and are happy with, always. It is really pointless and not very good for your health  and well being to over stuff your face with food and drink, then after the event make yourself miserable because you have to then go on a diet, give up drinking for a month and not have any spare money to spend on things you need. This kind of Yo Yo behaviour will play havoc with your mind, body and wallet, so next year don't put yourself under such pressure to follow the pack, stand alone and do something different.

This is a time for reflection and change in your life. I repeat, it is not money and stuff which makes us feel happy long term, only in the moment because today after the big event, you still feel miserable, depressed, broke and wish you had not bothered. My advice is simple, its too late to do anything about it now because you have already bought in and the damage is already done but you have the future and you have 12 months to make a plan and stick to it. Visit and discover simple common sense ways to prepare for your life ahead, ensuring you never feel like you do right now, ever again.

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