Monday 16 January 2012

A Question For Our Leader David Cameron.

Dear David,
I have been trying to catch your attention for over a year now, to tell you about my free on-line life coaching course, Venus Cow  written to inspire  anyone with addiction, weight, debt and lifestyle problems, encouraging them to take back control of their lives. This important work is part of a social enterprise and was developed by collaborating with big financial business and university students who believed in its benefits enough to offer their skills for free and services.
I put together the free Common Sense life coaching course content to help anyone,  for free, work with a personal life coach, at home, on-line, in order to gain life skills, face the brutal truth reality about the state of their health and misery. As well as motivate them to change. The Venus Cow personal journal is a perfect tool to create a private place where behaviour, mistakes and achievements can be tracked and monitored by the user.
The reason I am passionate about offering free help to the Nation is simple and my purpose now, after a life changing experience that forced me to study my own behaviour, addictions and misery, resulting in valuable insight, I am compelled to share because it works.
I have studied human behaviour and status anxiety across the UK and my conclusions are alarming and must be addressed in order to save the Country from slowly sliding into unsustainable debt, out of control obesity, alcoholism, addictions and early death.  My research reveals questionable morals and business practices of consumer driven businesses, like the media, TV and retail, all responsible for irresponsibly creating a treadmill template  directing us how we should live our lives, in order to be happy. Christmas is a perfect example of how these businesses drive unsustainable, irresponsible and subliminal mixed messages to the Nation, two months before December 25th, to shop, eat, spend, consume, go in to debt for , with no escape or balance. In December this year it was reported 60% of British families had to take out pay day loans to pay for it and more than half the Country pilled on extra pounds, on already unhealthy, sick bodies.
Once the frenzy fizzles ends and January the 1st rolls up, the whole mood and message changes and instead of spend, eat, drink, shop till you drop, we are plunged in to despair and told to diet, eat healthily, save money, give up drinking, smoking, until it’s time to book another holiday. This kind of Yo Yo behaviour is why the UK is not getting better, constantly creating a society of miserable, sick people, forever fat and in debt. The pattern behaviour has to change in order for the pattern to change. To cure the problem, you have to understand the cause. Where was the balance, the governments “change for life” message, when people needed it the most this Christmas? Why did no one remind the Nation, when one in four is severely overweight and more than half drowning in unmanageable debt, to eat healthy and live within their means? It is criminal in my opinion that big businesses, like supermarkets, television companies, retail brands who lie, don’t pay taxes and unethical print media, are getting obscenely richer by destroying and exploiting skill-less, aspiration hungry, lost sheep.
I think it’s time to take a serious look at our “ want it now” without doing the work culture and recognise if we don’t keep the messages consistent and responsible, the truth,  things can only get worse for you as our leader.
Free life coaching on a mass level is so needed right now, so please get on board and help me get Venus Cow out there for everyone to benefit from.

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