Thursday 23 February 2012

Lets Face It

Most Women don't seem to care what happens to their face years on after using Botex, the frown fixer, because all they seem to care about is what happens now, the instant fix but the reality is, it is not clear what could happen after long term use when facial muscles weaken and sag.
At present Botox is being used for over 100 disorders besides aesthetic applications and is a really amazing procedure for a wide variety of disorders from swallowing problems to muscle spasms. Botox injections are the fastest growing cosmetic procedure and considered as the ultimate fountain of eternal youth.
So why is everyone obsessed in the moment on looking good without a care about the future or the long term financial implications of becoming addicted to such a fix? I guess the idea is, you are happy to go in to debt, ruin your looks long term, look at Joan Rivers, Mickey Rourke, because in the moment, you want perfection, even though the moment does not last.
As a budget Lifestyle Expert I find it really hard to imagine why anyone would want to go into debt, butcher their body or face with something that is in reality is a nurotoxic protein, a botulinum toxin which can cause botulism, a rare paralytic illness often linked to food poisoning, go figure!
I have been doing the same facial routine for 25 years which is free, works and has left me with a really tight, wrinkle free face at 56, something I am so grateful and happy with. If you are prepared to be realistic, patient and healthy, your natural beauty will radiate, especially, if you smile all day long and love your life, so here is my advice for looking and feeling 10 years younger without money.
Everyday when you wake up, rub an ice cube across your face to help wake you up and give your facial muscles a nice little work out, leaving you with a tighter, firmer looking face to die for. This, if done religiously, over a long period of time, coupled with a healthy diet plus drinking plenty of water, will show amazing visible results, making you the envy of your friends.
You are what you eat, so if you want to look amazing in the later years of your life, you have to think about taking care of what you put in your body always and Botox is a NO NO!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post. As I'm reaching 40 the feeling of wanting an instant fix to my wrinkles is at the back of my mind. I've been toying with the idea of Botox, but it makes me nervous. You're absolutely right, I think I'll give the ice cube a go at it and in the meantime keep eating good foods and drinking plenty of water. Hope you're having a great week. :)
