Monday 19 December 2011

Free Life Coaching Course Venus Cow

This time last year after a long hard 5 year struggle reinventing myself after such a massive life changing experience, I finally signed off the dole and began the hard climb back up the ladder of success with the help of an angle investor. I knew it would take me a long time to start building my new headhunting firm and make some money again, something I needed to do in order to continue my work giving back. As a social enterprise, my new life as a capitalist with a conscience, I was determined and passionate about helping others discover the secret to finding inner health and happiness without money because when you work at what you love, you never work again.

Living on the dole was extremely hard and very depressing at times because the money you receive on job seekers allowance is only £65 per week, not much but I was always so grateful it was available and learnt how to live a happy life on a very tight budget. Its amazing once you get over the embarrassment of having to beg for food, live like a pauper and have people judge you, just how wonderful some people really are and how much help you can receive if you are brave enough to ask. This is why status anxiety is stopping us all being happy and united in these very difficult times.

This last year has been hard because it takes a long time to rebuild a headhunting firm from scratch but with the support of many businesses who have offered services and help for free, I have been able to create an on-line free to the user, common sense, life coaching course, based on my own experience and insight gained during my own personal journey in poverty. This course is all about you doing some work on yourself by recognising your happiness is not down to the money you have or the  "if only" I won the lottery old chestnut but down to facing some home truths.

Keeping an on-line journal in private to monitor your progress whilst listening to some brutal truth common sense from your own personal life coach, will allow you to learn to change the way you think about the things in your life you don't like or are not happy with, in order to make change. This free life coaching course is my gift back to life because during my most difficult times, I gained massive insight into how to keep positive, face my demons and change my whole way of thinking and feeling in order to become truly happy inside.

I had a near death experience in 2005 which was way more life changing than losing all my money on the stock market crash. I have to say during this time of hanging on to life by a thread, I discovered the power of my own inner strength by facing the fear, the pain and the incredible peace, leaving me a much more balanced, grateful, humble human being.

Venus Cow is there to help you find discover inner strength to change your behaviour, be it drinking too much, smoking, over eating, weight loss, confidence building, forgiveness etc, by working in private on yourself with your own personal life coach and mentor. The truth is brutal and chances are you will never want to face it because that means you will have to change but with change comes happiness, this I can promise you. Start your new life now today by starting the course. What do you have to lose?

Venus Cow is free, its easy and based on just good old common sense.

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