Tuesday 6 December 2011

Snakes And Ladders. The Truth About Happiness.

What is a budget lifestyle?

You would assume it to mean having to live your life on a budget without any luxury shopping marathons or treats and you would be right. A budget lifestyle is all about living within your means and not spending money you don't have, on things you don't need.

If you think about your life like a game of snakes and ladders, you will soon see how important it is to win the game, if you truly want to be happy and financially richer. The truth is whilst ever you are stuck on a snake, you are going down, leading you right back to where you started, at square one, like being paid every month and all your hard earned salary going to pay off credit cards and debt interest. On the other hand whenever you are on a ladder, you are moving up towards the top, success and winning the game always within your grasp.

If you have spent your whole life trying to lose weight with every diet possible and have still failed to achieve your goal of winning the battle, you have to face the fact you have not been focusing on how high you feel but how low you feel. If you truly want to be thin and healthy more than you want to comfort eat a box of chocolates everyday, you will reach the top and win the battle, its just common sense.
If you are mad about expensive gas guzzling cars and trade up to a new bigger car every year to keep up with the Jones, you are unlikely to ever be rich because expensive cars cost you money, not save you money, even if they do look amazing in your drive way.

A budget lifestyle is about changing the way you look at things, so the things you look at change. There is no point in having a closet filled to the brim with ballgowns and expensive shoes, if you never get invited to a ball is there? It would make more sense to save the money and if you do get to be Cinderella and go to the ball, you can hire one, swap one or pick one up recycled, putting you firmly back on a ladder. Aspiration is only good if you can afford the lifestyle that goes with it, if not, you are always going to look amazing but you will never be rich or happy because you have to be happy poor to be happy rich, something I know for a fact.

Budget lifestyle is all about attainable aspiration, only buying into what you know you can afford and pay for when you purchase, not six months after delivery. The secret to happiness is not about getting what you want but about still wanting after you have got it. There is no point in buying a brand new sofa today and not paying for it for 12 months because by the time your first monthly payment is due, you will not be happy with the old one and still be desperate for a new one, putting you back on the snake.

As the World runs out of credit and the reality of huge debt begins to sink in for all of us, the time is right now to begin thinking about what you really need to make you happy and it has nothing to do with money, trust me. When I lost millions overnight on the stock market people asked me how I coped with such a huge disaster but in reality playing the stock market game is about gambling with virtual money, that goes up and down and just like in life, nothing is a sure thing, except we all die. Live everyday within your means and enjoy the things that are free in your life, then when you do have extra money to spare, save it up for something truly apsirational but chaces are by then you will find you have everything you need aleady.

Learn to accept who you are and what you have. Don't give a dame about what others think of you or what you decide to do with your money. Don't waste your hard earned cash on buying something you think will make you happy or a better person because that only happens when you do the work.

You cannot buy your life at Harrods, only stuff to put in to a life.

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