Tuesday 6 December 2011

Budget Lifestyle. Cheap Chic 50 plus.

Women who are really interested in style and fashion don't suddenly turn dowdy because they are approaching their bus pass age. In fact the professional woman, going towards retirement, will often have more time and money than a thirty-something mother juggling children and a job. So the time is right for retail fashion to tap into this fast growing new phenomenon.

I've often noticed in places like France and New York that the more mature woman seems to favour Chanel or Chanel-style suits which look great at any age but don't make an older woman look like mutton dressed as lamb
Another alternative is classic black dressing with unique accessories like sparkle, gold, leather or exotic piece of jewellery (chunky bracelets are always fab). Older women who have taken care of their skin by leading a healthy lifestyle can always get away with a bit of cleavage or bare shoulder and even a shorter skirt if they have good legs.
Style is fun and should be about experimenting, no matter what your age.

When I was very rich and could buy anything, I had very little style to be honest and would waste money on a pointless purchase, just because it was good to be seen wearing the latest vogue designer pick. The reality, my body was not in good enough shape, my mind was all over the shop and I was not really very healthy or happy, so nothing I purchased ever looked that great, no matter what the cost.

Nowadays with my strict budget lifestyle, I am in the best shape of my life at 55, love to be unique and can style myself quite well without it breaking the bank. I have confidence and don't care what others think about me or how I look, for me its all about vintage, recycled, good quality pieces to help me stand out from the crowd. I can often be seen trailing around charity shops in rich areas, where women with more money than sense often clear out their closets and donate their stuff to do something good, just like I did when I was rich. This kind of smart shopping has allowed me to experiment and try new things I would not normally buy in the High Street, at the same time not cost me the earth if I get it wrong.

Last week I discovered a fantastic top quality, almost new, french, black pencil skirt with some sparkle on the front panel, for only £10 from Cancer Research on the New Kings Road, Chelsea.

I can say with all honesty, buy new and the joke is on you!

There is NO reason why you can't be older and fashionable. Obviously not a lot of people will be able to afford new designer clothes in this current climate, but it might just trickle down to the charity shop, or maybe inspire people to make their own. It would be nice to see older people featured much more in fashion magazines and supplements because our attitudes need to change!!!

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