Wednesday 7 December 2011

Why Retail Sales Are Plummeting

A budget lifestyle is all about living happily within your means and not on credit because whilst ever you are in debt, you will never be happy or rich. We have become a society of greedy " I want it now " shopaholics who will do almost anything to keep up with the Jones, continually making unnecessary purchases in the pursuit of happiness and acceptance.

Retail outlets on the High Street are suffering the fall-out from the biggest cost of living squeeze for at least 60 years, which is set to continue until 2012 and beyond and everyone is starting to feel the pinch. The reality is without all our easy access to credit cards, loans, overdrafts and over spending, many of us would not be able to shop till we drop but would actually enjoy a much more simple stress free life. A new sofa should last you at least 10 years and sometimes longer if you really love it and take care of it.

We have all been guilty of thinking if only we had that new sofa, car, handbag, won the lottery, all our troubles would disappear into a puff of smoke and we would all of a sudden be happy, blissful and content but sadly I can tell you for sure, this is just called marketing and brain washing. There is nothing you can buy anywhere on the planet that will guarantee your happiness or success, this comes from working hard on your self, not working yourself to death.

It is clear the health of UK retailing is deteriorating daily, as more people recognise they have to save money right now and when they do decide to spend, they want something that is good quality, serves a purpose and is necessary, in other words buying only what they truly need. Smart shopping is the future if you really want to be happy and fulfilled because nothing you buy as an instant fix, to make you feel better, bigger more important, will ever fill the big empty hole, only you can do that yourself.

When I had more money than sense in my rich life, I would wake up everyday to the luxury that if I desired I could go anywhere in the World, buy anything I felt like and money was never an issue, yet often I would still feel lonely, sad and not very satisfied. The truth was, I had not found happiness before I made all my money and often having everything can isolate you, so I may have had 20 Chanel handbags in my closet but I had no real friends.If Brad Pitt was to buy a new yacht for $50 million, you can bet your life George clooney will pull up next to him in one worth $100 million but the truth is, they can both afford to waste their money on
one-upmanship but can you?

To be happy you have to like yourself, love what you do and have a real purpose in your life. Shopping for pleasure and treats is fantastic but only if you can really afford it and it does not mean you ignore your bills and responsibilities. Stress and worry every month is just not worth a new dress you cannot afford and shopping out of your price range will never make you materially rich, only constantly in debt, back on that snake.

Many will be glad that the stupid era of the credit card - the usual way of paying for stuff for many people is coming to an end, so sit back and enjoy time with your friends and family, assured unnecessary debt won't bring you the happiness you long for, only they will do that in the long run.

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